of M4
Dealing with
the mosquitos in my N. Chesterfield home was easy enough.
Slap on the bug repellant and just deal with the oily feel
and the smell to enjoy the deck during the summer time and work in the
garage. Then came the summer of 2010. My daughter
was 18 months old and walking. She wanted to play outside on
the deck usually naked. My wife reseached all the natural
repellants and we slathered those on our daughter. I setup
fans to keep a breeze going to try and keep the tiger mosquitos at bay.
We had tiki torches and citronella candles all over the
place. Still my daughter would get bitten as would we.
Toughing it out through that summer my wife decided the next
year she would try something new. Summer of 2011 rolled
around and when the mosquitos picked up my wife researched the
different companies available and the chemicals they used.
Deciding on a new start up was easy when it was determined
what they used was safe for our pets. Of course that was after my wife
finally swayed me as I was very hesitant on spending money for a
company to come spray. We were amazed at the sudden disappearance of
mosquitos and the return of the enjoyment of our outdoor areas.
Yup, she was right all along. Customer service was
excellent and we recommended this service to all of our neighbors and
local friends. Summer of 2012 we signed up for a service
contract for the whole summer to be able to enjoy playing outside once
again. Only downside was that the service we were using
continued to grown and grown. The owner had to hire lots of
new people to spray and the detailed customer service we received went
down. Not knowing exactly when our next spray would be made
it hard as we often had to round up pets (often while carrying an 8
month old) early in the morning. After evaluating the cost
and researching what chemicals to use I decided to invest in my own
equipment and M4 was born in 2013.